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After all, the two have barely met, and Kurose does not deny the accusations of an ulterior motive. Yet, Shirotani wonders why Kurose would show such kindness to a stranger. Kurose asks him to write a list of 10 things he is reluctant to do-thus beginning his course of exposure therapy.

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When he once again runs into Kurose there, the man reveals that he himself is a counselor at the clinic, and offers to treat Shirotani's condition. Begrudgingly taking his advice to seek help from a professional, Shirotani visits Shimada Psychosomatics with the hope of seeing a psychiatrist. Ordered to go after him, Shirotani meets Riku Kurose, a man who is able to quickly identify his mysophobia.

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When the president gets into an accident, he is saved by a mysterious young man who departs as quickly as he appears. His obsessive-compulsive disorder has limited him in every aspect, from being unable to leave the house without a pair of gloves on, to cleaning his hands vigorously enough to make them bleed. Tadaomi Shirotani is the secretary to the company president of Tosawa Corporation-and is a severe mysophobe.

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